No more excuses!

While my blog may sound like it’s right out of an ad campaign, I’m just here to acknowledge this state of limbo we all are in.

It’s hard to predict what the next few weeks or months will look like. The uncertainty can either drive you crazy or it can offer you the opportunity, to hit reboot.

I honestly haven’t had downtime like this in six years and that just left me longing for ‘time’ to do the things that made me happy, outside of work. I’m sure you will relate to this feeling, too. But this time is for more than just that. It’s a chance to resurrect ourselves by taking a step back and reviewing what our lives have been like so far.
And honestly, that’s what we did here at Mommy Shots:

  • We focused on revamping the entire client experience we have been giving you so far. Making it better, Make it easier, and most of all, making it memorable.

  • I have been giving myself and everyone around me excuses to avoid sharing on social media platforms like Youtube and creating my podcast. Honestly, I’ve run out of excuses now so here’s a look at my Youtube channel and I promise to stick with the flow, ok?

  • The thing I’m most excited about is “LEARN” - no not learning, just Learn! Its my online learning platform for Photographers, who just like me want to spend their lives documenting Babies! Its filled with all my experience and knowledge I’ve gained in this field in the form of E-books, resources, How-to guides etc. Don’t miss checking it out here!

  • And lastly, we have been missing your babies so much!
    Going back to work to welcome your babies means we are going the extra extra mile to keep everything super safe and hygienic. From sanitising our space and props twice a day to focusing on maintaining 24 hour gaps between shoots to wearing protective gear, we are doing everything we can to make this studio extremely safe and baby-friendly.

Psstt.. this is also a reminder to you that if you have been sitting around with an excuse or if there’s an idea you’ve been playing with inside your head, now’s the time to bring it to life!

Big bear hugs to your babies!



Amrita SamantComment